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- 0 fort=0to20:geta$:next
- 1 r=r+1:ifr=1thenload"multiplexor",8,1
- 10 print"[147]";
- 20 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 30 print"[147][151] the code saver "
- 31 input"press return when correct disk is in drive[144]";a$
- 40 input"[151]input name to save code multiplexor[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";n$
- 50 input"input device you wish to save to 8[157][157][157]";d
- 60 input"is the above o.k. (y/n)";a$
- 61 ifa$="n"then30
- 62 ifd<>1thenopen1,d,0,n$:get#1,a$:ifa$="[199]"then70
- 63 print"file exists. do i replace (y/n)"
- 64 inputa$
- 65 ifa$="n"then30
- 70 close1:sys57812n$,d
- 80 poke193,0:poke194,192:poke174,0:poke175,199
- 90 sys62957:s$="menu":load"rtu",8,1